Welcome, Book Owls!
Hi, I'm Annie, and that's my book circled above — The Daughters of Morrigan.
I'm participating in the Book Owl Word Search (BOWS) and I'm part
of the BLUE team. To find out more about the Word Search and how to play, visit https://www.snowywingspublishing.com/book-owl-word-search/bows-how-to-play/.
When you're ready, read on to find my secret word and then continue the game at the link below!
In The Daughters of Morrigan, three sisters who live in a rundown castle find their lives upended when one of them is attacked by a monster straight out of Celtic mythology on the foggy west coast of Ireland.
Today, I thought I'd share a few photos with you of real places in Ireland that inspired some of the locations in The Daughters of Morrigan and its sequel, which comes out in a few short months!
I hope you enjoyed that mini tour of some of my favorite places in Ireland.
Ahem. In case you missed that, I just shouted Ireland really loudly.
Anyway, if you like a sweeping setting and characters to fall for, you just might enjoy The Daughters of Morrigan.
And now it's time to continue this whirlwind word search with author Becky James. Please head to https://www.beckyjamesauthor.co.uk/ to find Becky's secret word and continue with BOWS!
Reminder: My secret word is Ireland!